Day8 systems optimise up to 1,000 campaigns a day.
Our products include unrivalled campaign optimisation, along with workflow modules to manage and streamline the way Agencies, Advertisers and the Media work together.
Day8's optimisation modules ensure that our Clients make decisions that are smart, accurate and effective. And our workflow modules improve efficiency, reduce errors, and eliminate many manual processes and mundane tasks.
Having been in business since 1999, we've accumulated a deep knowledge of the Media Industry, while also earning a high degree of trust from those who work in it.
We provide critical infrastructure to both sides of the industry – Agency and Media. As an example, our products are trusted to buy over 70% of all spots in the Australian TV market. That's an annual spend of over $3 billion, much of which is processed within Day8's systems by both Agencies and Networks.
Day8 has succeeded on the back of a deliberate strategy to remain a mid-sized, agile and very focused organisation, concentrating on using our skills to address the very specific and important area where we thrive – providing the Media industry with elegant solutions which address complex problems via simple user interfaces.